Epigenetics is a study that indicates how to manipulate the expression of our genetic makeup. Epigenetics is fast becoming the pathway to understanding why diseases such as cancer occur, and developing ways to turn off the gene or genes that cause them.

The research shows that while we can not modify gene sequence, we can modify how genes are expressed. This is science of epigenetics-the intersection of our environment with our DNA.

The landmark “Minnesota Twin Family Study” conducted from 1979-1999 looked at identical twins separated at birth. The findings definitely supported the role of genetics in health outcomes, but they also found some twins, though having the exact same genetic makeup, had vastly different outcomes.

So, there are some factors that can change expression of our genes, some of them can turn genes on, some-off.

For example, longstanding stress, negative mental attitude, depression, anxiety, poor diet full of empty calories, sugars, chemicals, toxic load from an environment will turn on genes associated with degenerative diseases, diabetes, cancer.

What can we do to change our gene expression for a better outcome? Pay attention to what you eat. The balance of nutrients in your diet can make a difference for DNA expression. For example, consuming Mediterranean- style diet can turn off genes associated with diabetes. Make sure that your diet not only diet, but part of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle which will include stress management ( yoga, prayer, meditation, tai-chi), good night sleep, positive mental attitude. Everything matters!

Make sure your diet is rich in foods that contain nutrients that act as beneficial epigenetic modifiers, such as green tea, dark chocolate, garlic, turmeric, coffee, blueberries and other dark berries, colorful vegetables, cruciferous family ( green and red cabbage, bok-choy, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), red wine.

It takes 21 day to develop a new habit, give it a try and see what happens. It is better to start this jorney with family member or friend, both of you will feel more motivated and have fun along the way.


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