In 1988 Dr. Nambudripad D.C., M.D., ( India), L Ac discovered and developed method of treatment different allergic reactions. Thai method can be used for food allergy treatment, seasonal and environmental allergy, for emotional allergy, which is very common, also for rare type of allergy -person to person.

This method of allergy treatment established on the fact that we all have electro-magnetic field, which is created by our body. Energy potential of our electro-magnetic field depends on how our body works, how different system interact with each other, and whether there is adequate nutrition, stress management and adequate sleep-factors enable our body to function on optimum level. All body functions depend on the flow of energy in multiple meridians, some of them located inside the body, some on the surface. Our body has very complicated system of meridians, they are connected with each other and this connection enable them to properly distribute energy, too slow or too fast movement of energy on some meridians will create problem in organs, associated with those particular meridians. It also will effect emotions, which according to the principals of Traditional Chinese Medicine, associated with particular meridian. For example, condition of liver and gall bladder will effect flow of energy on Liver meridian and emotions of anger, irritability associated with liver meridian. But condition of Liver meridian itself will effect function of liver and gall bladder, so everything interconnected.

So, in “nutshell”, allergic reaction is a repulsion of electro-magnetic field of this particular patient that takes place as a result of interaction with electro-magnetic field of this particular allergen- it may be food, grass, chemicals, cats, dogs, emotion or person.

NAET- is a complex of chiropractic, acupressure, muscle kinesiology and practical principles of TCM-Traditional Chinese Medicine. Treatment is an activation of Bladder meridians, located on both sides of the spine an additional activation of specific points located on Liver, large intestine and Spleen meridians which just “seals” the treatment.

With the goal of imitation different allergens, vials were created, small glass tubes that have no allergen inside, but have energy potential of specific allergens. When patient holds the vial, doctor, trained in NAET, will figure out presence or absence of allergy, if there is allergy, it will be treated. Usually, after several days after treatment, recommended to do “booster” – treatment that enhance effect of treatment.

I have been using NAET in my practice since January of 2008, I went three times to Dr Nambudripad clinic in California for seminars where she teaches NAET, it was very unusual and profound experience.

Unfortunately, many people do not understand the importance of allergy treatment. If patient has undergoing allergy, his immune system is in constantly overacting state and can not carry out usual tasks- to fight bacteria, viruses, spirochetes and cancer cells, so with time immune system became weak and patient will be susceptible to different diseases.

Usually allergic reactions manifested as runny nose, itchy eyes and skin, cough and edema, but often allergy may not manifested on the surface, problem takes place inside the body and will be manifested as loose stool, joints pain, brain fog, memory problems, insomnia, irritability, headache, fatigue.

Conventional treatment with medications suppress symptoms, which helps to the patient, but does not effect the cause.

NAET can be used not only for treatment, but for diagnosis of allergy. On the basis of my experience, I came to the conclusion, that treatment will be more simple for the patients if they had blood test done

by Genova Diagnostics. I use different tests done by this laboratory and think that Genova is the best alternative Laboratory in the USA.

Couple words about emotional allergy which is very common. Emotional allergy is treated with NAET, it is the same treatment as for the food allergy. Emotions that I see in practice and treat often : anger, frustration, anxiety, depression, irritability, low self-esteem, rage, fear, insecurity, hopelessness and many others.

If you have seasonal allergy, I recommend to treat it before the season starts, since after any NAET treatment patient has to avoid allergen that was treated for 25 hours. So, if you have an allergy to grass, treat it during the winter.

I am sure, that for those who never were treated with NAET, this information sounds very strange.

But most important, this method works, you can read and listen to my patients testimonies if you visit my website You can call me at 215-274-5344 or send me email to I will be glad to answer all your questions. Good luck!

Dr. Natalie


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