As we age, the risk of developing degenerative disease increases. And since we live in the ocean of different toxins ( from the food, water, air- pesticides, herbicides, car exhaust, food coloring and additives, radiation) our body is constantly under the war- these toxins attack cells membrane and create arachidonic acid. It further oxidized by toxins with production of multiple chemicals- messengers of inflammation. They go to bloodstream and set up stage for chronic inflammation in different organs and tissues.

If it happens in the brain, it set up stage for developing Alzheimer’s disease, if it is in the pancreas- type II diabetes takes place, if it happens in blood vessels wall- atherosclerosis takes place- which is a precursor of cardio-vascular disease, heart attack, stroke.

Recent studies found, that accumulation of senescent ( old, cells which are supposed to die, but are still around), create pro-inflammatory chemicals which participate in beginning of chronic inflammation.

Some meds and natural compounds , such as NSAID, garlic, ginger, turmeric can reduce and inhibit onset of chronic inflammation. They doing it by reducing the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals – messengers of chronic inflammation. But they can not do resolution of chronic inflammation, they can not stop it.

Before scientists believe that resolution of chronic inflammation is passive process, now they discovered that it is active process.

They discovered specialized compounds , called SPM-specialized pro-resolving mediators. SPM derived from polyunsaturated fatty acids and act by binding to specialized receptors on different organs and tissues, actively helping to resolve, to stop chronic inflammation.

So, SPM do three vital tasks:

  1. Remove- SPM activate macrophages- cleaners of immune system, that remove mess and leftovers of chronic inflammation in the tissue- they clean cellular garbage.
  2. Restore -SPM restore healthy balance of inflammatory compounds by increasing production of anti-inflammatory chemicals and by doing this decreasing production of pro-inflammatory messengers.
  3. Renew- SPM initiate and promote the regeneration of tissues that was damaged by chronic inflammation. Life Extension company offers SPM made from polyunsaturated fatty acids found in highly refined marine oil concentrate.

Call me at 215-274-5344 if you want to give it a try.


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